How To Manage Personal Finances Smartly

How To Manage Personal Finances Smartly
Managing finances has always been one of the most sought-after information online. However, out there, many people are overwhelmed in managing their finances. As a result, the financial condition is often unstable and even experiencing quite serious problems. 

Everyone will have their way of managing finances, where various policies are applied. But even so, diverse bad habits often cause problems in finance. If left without improvement, the financial condition may deteriorate with time. 

Financial arrangements must undoubtedly be adjusted to income and various expenditure items. How to manage household finances will differ from how to manage personal finances. But when someone has been accustomed to managing their personal finances well, the person concerned certainly understands how to manage household finances so as not to be wasteful after marriage. 

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How to manage finances in a balanced way, 

how to organize finances 

Make it a habit to organize finances with precise and realistic calculations, where income is proportional to expenses. Managing personal finances like this will allow all needs to be adequately met, and various financial goals can also be achieved on target. 

The same is true in managing household finances, where more people depend on their finances. It is essential to have a way to manage household finances so as not to be wasteful and so that all the needs of people in the family can be adequately met, including conditions such as education and others. 

Here are some ways to manage finances smartly and wisely: 

1. Arrange A Financial Budget

The first step that must be done in managing finances is to prepare a financial budget in advance. Whatever your income is, it's essential always to allocate it appropriately. Organizing household finances will be much easier if you have the proper budget.

Plan what expenses are made in finance so all needs can be met. Don't forget to make savings and investment items because both are mandatory components in the financial budget. Arrange all expenditure items in a balanced and realistic manner, making them easy to implement.

2. Prioritize Needs 

Still related to the above points, always prioritize needs rather than various desires. It is essential to understand this difference in markets and wish to be wiser in spending money. 

Managing personal and household finances will be much easier if you have a good understanding of what needs to be met from the beginning. Make a proper monthly spending record and adhere to it well so that spending can always be controlled. 

3. Use credit cards and shopping promos wisely 

How to organize household finances so as not to be wasteful next is to spend sparingly. Take advantage of credit cards to get discounts and cashback to save on monthly expenses. Usually, credit cards will offer many promos in supermarkets or even e-commerce. 

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In addition, also check the shopping promos in online stores and subscription supermarkets so that monthly expenses can be reduced. Spend regularly and not too often so that spending can be suppressed. Use credit cards wisely so that unnecessary purchases can be avoided. 

4. Do Not Forget About Savings 

Whatever your monthly income, allocate some funds into a savings account. Ideally, save 10-20% of your income into a monthly savings account. This will make the financial condition healthier, and a number of funds can be used for various needs beyond the monthly basic needs. 

5. Make Investments

Like the savings post, the post for investment must also exist in finance. Allocate at least 10-20% of income for this one need. Investment is a financial activity that can later bring several benefits to finance.

Managing finances appropriately will allow everything to run smoothly, including this investment. Investment results can also help to achieve various financial goals more easily. If done consistently, investment can even bring huge profits in finance. 

6. Prepare An Emergency Fund 

Managing household finances properly is certainly not complete without an emergency fund. Emergency funds can be used anytime if the financial condition is an emergency. Or to overcome various emergency conditions that cannot be overcome by using monthly money. 

To meet this emergency fund's needs well, allocate some funds from income every month. Ideally, emergency funds should be at least 6x the monthly expenses for single people or 12x the monthly costs for those who already depend. Keep emergency funds in a separate account (special) so as not to be mixed with other funds or even used. 

7. Pay off and avoid debt 

If you still have obligations (debts), immediately make repayment. Make a gradual repayment if the value of the debt is large enough. In addition, it avoids having new deficits in the finances. This will minimize the risk and financial burden and, at the same time, make economic conditions more stable in the future. 

8. Prepare A Pension Fund 

How manage intelligent personal finances must be sustainable. Don't forget to set up a retirement fund from now on. Calculate how much the pension fund needs and start regular installments every month. Put these funds in a particular account in advance. 

But if the amount is already quite a lot, it does not hurt to allocate it to investments. Choose small risk instruments, such as gold, mutual funds, deposits, or others. If necessary, seek advice from financial experts regarding the procurement and management of this pension fund. 

9. Perform Periodic Financial Evaluations

If all the ways to manage finances above have been carried out in finance, then don't forget this one. Do a periodic evaluation in finance sees which parts need to be improved. This will allow the way to manage finances to improve in the future. 


How to organize finances for the Sandwich generation

The Sandwich Generation

How to manage personal finances for the sandwich generation will undoubtedly differ from the others. The sandwich generation is a generation that is obliged to bear the cost of living for three ages associated with it, namely: parents, themselves, children, and other family members. 

If you look at the reality above, it is clear that the financial burden of this sandwich generation is so significant. Managing household finances so as not to be wasteful is also needed, especially if you have a family. In addition to applying how to manage personal finances above, this sandwich generation also requires special handling. 

Here are some ways to organize suitable household finances for the sandwich generation: 

1. Strictly organize the production budget 

The sandwich generation must apply how to manage household finances so as not to be wasteful. This can start with setting a strict spending budget from the beginning. Cut all non-essential expenses, and prioritize the essentials first. Do this on all expense items in finance.

2. Directly allocate income for basic needs

Don't forget to immediately allocate your salary for basic monthly needs (meals, regular bills, transportation), including installments and debt—for example, 50% of income for this basic routine need, where debt installments are included. Managing household finances like this will allow household needs to be adequately met all the time. 

3. Meet the needs of savings, investment, and emergency funds 

Do not forget to allocate 20% of income for all three above components. 10% for emergency funds, then 10% for investment and savings needs. Immediately set aside these needs as soon as the payday drops so as not to be delayed or dispensed with. 

4. Search For Additional Income 

Start looking for additional financial income so that more money can be saved. This can be done by finding a job or running a business. But ensure this activity of seeking additional income does not interfere with the main job.

5. Adopt A Frugal Lifestyle 

The way to manage finances smartly is to adopt a frugal lifestyle. Leave all habits that are wasteful and only waste money. Be wise in operating expenses so that financial conditions do not have problems.

Apply the right way to manage finances 

Having a good and stable financial condition is everyone's desire. This is not easy to realize, especially if you have various wasteful habits in spending money. Start applying the right way to manage finances so that financial conditions can be better in the future.

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